Definition of Steam shovel

1. Noun. A power shovel that is driven by steam.

Generic synonyms: Digger, Excavator, Power Shovel, Shovel

Definition of Steam shovel

1. Noun. An industrial machine designed to effect a shovelling action through steam power. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Steam Shovel

steam heating
steam iron
steam irons
steam line
steam locomotive
steam locomotives
steam organ
steam pipe
steam power
steam radio
steam roller
steam rollers
steam room
steam ship
steam ships
steam shovel
steam shovels
steam table
steam train
steam trains
steam tunnel
steam tunnels
steam turbine
steam turbines
steam up
steam whistle

Literary usage of Steam shovel

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Poetry by Modern Poetry Association (1916)
"THE STEAM-SHOVEL There was an unsightly arm And a cupped hand with three crusted fingers. The hand sank into earth and bulged with it : Then swung aloft in ..."

2. Cements, Limes, and Plasters: Their Materials, Manufacture, and Properties by Edwin Clarence Eckel (1922)
"In many limestone and cement-rock quarries a steam-shovel is employed to load the blasted rock into the cars, and in shale quarries this use of ..."

3. The New Poetry: An Anthology by Harriet Monroe, Alice Corbin Henderson (1917)
"THE steam shovel Beneath my window in a city street A monster lairs, a creature huge and grim And only half believed: the strength of him— Steel-strung and ..."

4. Ore Mining Methods: Comprising Descriptions of Methods of Support in by Walter Richard Crane (1917)
"Fewer laborers are required in scraper than in hand work, and in steam-shovel than in the milling method, but more skilled labor is required in steam-shovel ..."

5. Earthwork and Its Cost: A Handbook of Earth Excavation by Halbert Powers Gillette (1920)
"How to Handle a steam shovel Plant. Mr. EA Hermann's excellent monograph on ... Side View of steam shovel. Figs. 1 and 2 show the general features of the ..."

6. The New Poetry: An Anthology by Alice Corbin Henderson (1917)
"THE steam shovel Beneath my window in a city street A monster lairs, a creature huge and grim And only half believed: the strength of him— Steel-strung and ..."

7. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and (1918)
"Steam-shovel Mining of Bituminous Coal* BT HH ... (St. Louis Meeting, October, 1917) CONDITIONS FAVORABLE TO STEAM-SHOVEL MINING THE fundamental reasons ..."

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